Member Conduct

By joining CSI, Members are agreeing to adhere to all rules defined for CSI on this web site or in personal correspondence as the result of individual inquiry. This applies to all programs designed by CSI for member participation or fund raising.

Please note failure to adhere to rules as defined for awards programs will cause submitted documentation to be rejected (not applied) during tabulation of year end awards.

Members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner, and personal attacks upon other CSI members or against CSI will result in revocation of CSI Membership.

Members no longer in good standing will be listed on the web with all rights permanently suspended immediately.

Once an individual is no longer a member “in good standing”, participation in CSI programs will no longer be allowed, including those paid into for the future, such as the CSI Futurity, RPM, or HOY programs. There will be no refund of any fees, including membership and/or nomination fees.